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The God Who Becomes

Guest Post By April Coldsmith We are all different. God created a diverse bunch. Physically, we all come in different sizes, colors, and shapes. Emotionally, our demeanor and outlook, is equally diverse. In our lifetimes, we change constantly — never the same...

The Power of an Unexpected Pronoun

A guest post by Marg Herder Many years ago, I didn’t think about it. The words for God were male, exclusively. That’s how I was raised. That’s all I knew. I was probably 30 years old before I first heard someone call God “She.” And it...

An article from Christian Feminism Today

Why Inclusive Language Is Still Important Guest Post by Jann Aldredge-Clanton “We don’t need to do inclusive language any more,” some of the young women tell my professor friend in her intern classes at Perkins School of Theology. “That was important when you were...

Does God Have a Gender?by Robert Jensen

Having decided to create this site, I had just bought the domain and was checking my email for confirmation, when (Lo! and behold!) I saw an email providing a link to Robert Jensen’s latest online article. He gave his permission to repost it, so I’m...