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The World as God’s Body

I ran across an article by Sallie McFague that, while it doesn’t talk about God-language specifically, has some interesting points and some positive repercussions if the described metaphor were taken seriously. A little housekeeping first, since the article was...

Rabbi Shais Taub on God and Gender

“Whenever we use any name for God, we are not describing the Indescribable but our paltry and entirely subjective experience of divine “Otherness” — that which is beyond us.” “These words just mean that in a given context, we who...

The God Who Becomes

Guest Post By April Coldsmith We are all different. God created a diverse bunch. Physically, we all come in different sizes, colors, and shapes. Emotionally, our demeanor and outlook, is equally diverse. In our lifetimes, we change constantly — never the same...