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Include Me In

“Include Me In” is by Tobias Stanislas Haller a member of the Brotherhood of St. Gregory (Episcopal), and was posted in 2008 on his blog, linked below. In opposing the use of inclusive or expansive language to describe God, some have expressed themselves...

The Song “A Name” by Marg Herder

Think it doesn’t matter that God is referred to almost exclusively as He? Sure, you’re enlightened enough to think of God as a force, or a presence, or as Spirit. But when you need a pronoun, what pronoun do you reach for? It matters. It is huge. Try...

Q and A on Inclusive Language, Excerpt 2

Here is another excerpt from a Q and A sheet that was created at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian in Austin to help answer some common questions about inclusive language. You can see the whole thing on our “Resources” page. (see tab above) I worry that we...

Q and A on Inclusive Language, Excerpt 1

One pioneering church in the effort to make inclusive language more common has been St. Andrew’s Presbyterian in Austin, TX. Here is an excerpt from a Q and A sheet that was created to help answer some common questions. You can see the whole thing on our...

The Image of God

I just read a great article by Melanie Springer Mock. Here are two excerpts: “In Christian culture, too, women hear they are created in God’s image, but God is a Father and a King. That they are created in God’s image, but God will only speak through...