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The World as God’s Body

I ran across an article by Sallie McFague that, while it doesn’t talk about God-language specifically, has some interesting points and some positive repercussions if the described metaphor were taken seriously. A little housekeeping first, since the article was...

“A God Who Looks Like Me” Quote 2

Here’s another quote from “A God Who Looks Like Me” by Patricia Lynn Reilly. See the previous post for the first one. The following insights inform our woman-affirming spirituality: We have come to believe that the ultimate truth, wisdom, and mystery...

God-language and Meat for Idols

A few years ago I had the joy of attending a series of workshops/presentations by Andrew Harvey, who has been called a modern mystic. Two memories stand out. One is his excitement when talking about the Sacred. The other is how his excitement caused him to sometimes...

From “Mother-Father God” by Renita Weems

The following is from Renita Weem’s blog “Something Within: For Thinking Women of Faith.” It was posted back in 2007. Even those of us who consider ourselves enlightened and deep, and do not believe in a literally masculine God, who are quick to say...